blue.sky2021-09-30 17:29:54


SB-91 提到,不能扣定金抵偿未交房租,是到今年6月底:“This bill, for the duration of any tenancy that existed between March 1, 2020, and June 30, 2021, would prohibit a landlord from applying a security deposit to satisfy COVID-19 rental debt, or applying a monthly rent payment to any COVID-19 rental debt other than the prospective month’s rent, unless the tenant agrees in writing to allow the landlord to apply that security deposit or monthly rent payment in that manner.



柠檬椰子汁2021-09-30 18:40:47
TOEFL test
blue.sky2021-09-30 19:39:17
我 TOEFL 不及格 :) 谢谢柠檬老师指点,懂了