布周山2019-02-28 10:26:47

“Critics and some experts have questioned the rationale of using the MiG-21 aircraft in Combat Air Patrol or CAP on Wednesday, when India lost at least one fighter against Pakistan’s F-16s.
At around 10.5 A M Wednesday, three F-16s of the Pakistan Air Force violated Indian air space and entered into the Nowshera sector. They targeted four military installations and dropped bombs.
The Indian Air Force, which was on high alert, swung into action. At least two MiG-21 Bisons, which were on CAP duty, chased the F-16s and were even able to shoot down one of them.
Pakistan claims the Indian fighters crossed the L o C and were engaged by it, though it hasn’t clarified if they were engaged by its aircraft or air defence systems.
Although Pakistan stated that they did not use F-16 and no F-16 had been shot down.
Many questioned why the MiG-21 was used for the CAP and to engage the F-16s. After all, it was first inducted into the I A F 56 years ago, in 1963, and has picked up the nickname ‘Flying Coffin’ due to a spate of crashes in the last couple of decades.”

来源:Defense Barta 2/27/2019


hkzs2019-02-28 12:36:48
青松站2019-02-28 13:38:21
austraveller2019-02-28 14:13:07