硅谷一水滴2020-07-15 16:50:39


  新华网首页 =国际舞台 =专题报道集 =新华网专题报道
    During the early morning hours of 29 November, the Division command post moved to a new location six miles south of Kunu-ri. 
    Throughout the morning every unit of the Division was under heavy attack by the numerically superior enemy. At about 1000 hours, the 2d Reconnaissance Company reported an enemy roadblock had been set-up approximately ten miles south of Kunu-ri on the CANARY-Sunchon road, the lifeline of the Division and the only escape route in the Division zone. First estimates placed the strength of the enemy at a reinforced company, At 1240 hours, after the Reconnaissance Company had failed to reduce the block, “C“ Company of the 38th Infantry reinforced by tanks from “C“ Company of the 72d Tank Battalion were on route to assist the 2d Recon. At 1350 hours, a battery of 155 howitzers from the 503d Field Artillery was directed to support the attack on the roadblock. The 38th sent its trains south by way of Anju and they arrived in Sunchon intact. 
    Back at the roadblock, frantic efforts to push back the enemy failed. At 1630 hours, Major General Keiser relayed a message for help to IX Corps “Serious roadblock to South. Estimate enemy battalion or more. Air strikes, artillery and infantry company attacks have failed. Road jammed with vehicles prevents movement North or South. Request immediate assistance from the south to relieve situation. Please notify action taken as all infantry elements definitely engaged.“ 
    Ten minutes later at 1640 hours, the commanding officer of the 38th Infantry reported his right battalion under attack by the Chinese from the north, northeast, east and south with the Turks unable to hold on his right. At 1655, the 23d Infantry relayed a message to Division headquarters indicating the entire 38th Infantry under attack from the north and northeast and the 3d ROK also under attack. The Turks were giving ground to the east and south. A few minutes passed and the situation in the 38th sector became critical. The Third Battalion was surrounded and attempts were being made to establish a defense on the high ground east of the 38th CP. 
    The Turks reported at 1700 hours that their elements which had been withdrawing down the road were under attack and their escape route to Kunu-ri was blocked. 
    The roadblock in the south was still “in“ and the enemy force grew stronger., The 23rd and 38th Regiments holding below Kunu-ri were ordered to pull back. The 23rd was to pull back first except for one company which was to guard the bridge over the Kaechon River which flowed just south of Kunu-ri and over which the 38th was required to move. 
    The Third Battalion of the 23rd barely escaped annihilation as a burning ammunition truck blocked its escape and forced the remnants to move out by foot, leaving the vehicles behind. 
    The 23rd completed its withdrawal by 0130 hours except for the company guarding the bridge. However, the remnants of the Second and Third Battalions of the 38th had not reached the 38th perimeter held by the First Battalion and the 3rd ROK Regiment so Colonel Peploc, the regimental commander, waited until 0430 when all that was left of the two I Corps. battalions had reached safety and the withdrawal was completed. 
    Neither of the two regiments would have been able to make their moves had it not been for the exceptionally artillery support on all likely positions and routes the enemy could be using. 
    The 3rd ROK Regiment was reported not in position after the two regiments had withdrawn. As it was the only organized force of any strength left in the 38th Regiment, its absence caused great consternation for it was to occupy positions south of the Kaechon on the right of the 23rd and as dawn broke there were no friendly troops on the 23rd’s right flank. Immediately the remnants of the Second and Third Battalions of the 38th were assembled and prepared to occupy positions on the 23rd’s right. South of the mounting confusion, all efforts to break the roadblock met with failure. A crisis faced the 2d Division for annihilation was certain if it stayed in Kunu-ri and the only escape route in its sector was blocked. A request went out to IX Corps for permission to take the Division out of the trap by way of the Kunu-ri Anju-Sinanju Road, still open and offering an escape through the I Corps sector. IX Corps stated it would have to clear the request through I Corps. In the meantime, the shocked and tattered remnants of the 9th Infantry, less the First Battalion, were thrown against the roadblock. The Second and Third Battalions were down to ap-xxx 
    In the meantime, the shocked and tattered throughout the night together with the 2d Recon, elements of the 72d Tank Battalion and the remains of the 2d Engineers. 
    During the night of 29-30 November an attack on the 2d Division command post was repulsed. 
    徐京跃《日出日落三八线》 中的描述可能更加接近事实
    魏巍笔下抗美援朝烈士未阵亡 英雄大连生活30年 
    38 - INF RGT - 2 INF DIV 
    November 29, 1950 - JAMES ADAMS - 38 - INF RGT - 2 INF DIV 
    November 29, 1950 - CHARLES ALBRIGHT - 38 - ART BN (105MM) - 2 INF DIV 
    November 29, 1950 - EARNEST BOMAN - 38 - INF RGT - 2 INF DIV 
    November 29, 1950 - GERARD COTTER - 38 - INF RGT - 2 INF DIV 
    November 29, 1950 - J DAUGHERTY - 38 - INF RGT - 2 INF DIV 
    November 29, 1950 - CHARLES FUSON - 38 - INF RGT - 2 INF DIV 
    November 29, 1950 - ROBERT HOLLAND - 38 - INF RGT - 2 INF DIV 
    November 29, 1950 - EARL HOLLAND - 38 - INF RGT - 2 INF DIV 
    November 29, 1950 - RAY HULSEY - 38 - INF RGT - 2 INF DIV 
    November 29, 1950 - FRANK JOHNSON - 38 - INF RGT - 2 INF DIV 
    November 29, 1950 - JAMES LARSEN - 38 - INF RGT - 2 INF DIV 
    November 29, 1950 - ALFONSO MENDOZA - 38 - INF RGT - 2 INF DIV 
    November 29, 1950 - ROBERT MILLER - 38 - INF RGT - 2 INF DIV 
    November 29, 1950 - LINUS MITCHELL - 38 - INF RGT - 2 INF DIV 
    November 29, 1950 - EDWIN MITCHELL - 38 - INF RGT - 2 INF DIV 
    November 29, 1950 - DONALD MORAN - 38 - INF RGT - 2 INF DIV 
    November 29, 1950 - BYRON OTWELL - 38 - INF RGT - 2 INF DIV 
    November 29, 1950 - FRANKLIN OWENS - 38 - INF RGT - 2 INF DIV 
    November 29, 1950 - RICHARD PADEN - 38 - INF RGT - 2 INF DIV 
    November 29, 1950 - GARY PARKER - 38 - INF RGT - 2 INF DIV 
    November 29, 1950 - CARL PARSONS - 38 - INF RGT - 2 INF DIV 
    November 29, 1950 - TROY PENLAND - 38 - ART BN (105MM) - 2 INF DIV 
    November 29, 1950 - CLAUDE RINER - 38 - INF RGT - 2 INF DIV 
    November 29, 1950 - JAMES ROSE - 38 - INF RGT - 2 INF DIV 
    November 29, 1950 - LEFF ROYAL - 38 - INF RGT - 2 INF DIV 
    November 29, 1950 - ROBERT SIGGINS - 38 - INF RGT - 2 INF DIV 
    November 29, 1950 - KENNETH SWENSON - 38 - INF RGT - 2 INF DIV 
    November 29, 1950 - JACK TAYLOR - 38 - INF RGT - 2 INF DIV 
    November 29, 1950 - CECIL WATTERS - 38 - INF RGT - 2 INF DIV 
    November 29, 1950 - ROBERT WRIGHT - 38 - INF RGT - 2 INF DIV 
   No story of the withdrawal from Kunu-ri will ever be complete. Records of many of the units were either lost or not kept at all. Many of the men who could tell the story have not returned. There were countless instances of in dividual and unit heroism which will forever go unrecognized but without which many thousands more lives would been lost. No one single unit should be singled out for to do so would be an injustice to the others but special mention must be made of the elements of the 2d Engineer Combat Battalion and “A“ Battery, 503d who held the hills near the Division CP while other units moved out. Not a man escaped from the northernmost of the two hills. The men of “A“ Battery fired their massive 155 guns point blank at the onrushing enemy until they were completely overwhelmed. They stayed to the death so that others might escape. 
  没有一个从Kunu-ri撤退 故事会是完整的。许多战斗单位的纪录要么丢失了要么根本就没有保存下来。 许多能讲述当时战斗情况的人都没有回来。 一定有不计其数的个人和集体英雄主义事例永远在没有被承认的情况下被完全淡忘,但如果不是他们,成千更多的人将丧命。单独列出一个战斗单位的英勇事迹,对其他单位来说是不公平的,但是需要特别提及的是第2工程作战营和503d A炮兵连的士兵们,当其他部队撤退的时候,他们坚守靠近师部的山头。这两座山头最北面的士兵没有一个回来。A炮兵连的士兵们用他们巨大的155口径的榴弹炮点射冲上来的敌军,直到被完全淹没。 他们坚守到死,以便其他人有机会逃脱。 
    后来,人们以为这个连的全体将士都已经阵亡了,上级领导授予这个连“松骨峰战斗特等功臣连”、“英雄部队”等光荣称号,而胡传久也被当成烈士。七班长潘志忠头被炸伤,鲜血在脸上凝成血冰,但他心中燃烧着仇恨的火焰,口中只有一名话:“我是共产党员,不能下去。”当美国兵要跑时,他甩出了最后一颗手榴弹,炸死了逃兵。当他奄奄一息之时,手伸向衣兜,告诉排长: “兜里有个信封,胜利了,向毛主席报个喜吧!”他闭上了双眼,留下了一脸的坚毅。仅配属第3连战斗的机枪1连两个班就有5人被烧伤;陈宝贵排长眼睛被烧得看不见了,仍然鼓励战士们:“共产党员、共青团员们!共产党的队伍是经得起考验的!”朱顺发、熊席泉等与美国兵厮打在一起,最后同归于尽。李玉安负重伤,也被人们误认为是牺牲了,直至30年后,才重被发现。邢玉喜、严佐政刺死几个美国兵,又与几个美国兵扭打着滚下山坡。……胡长久从敌尸上摘下4颗手榴弹,打退了冲上来的美军。当汽油弹在战士邢玉堂身边炸开后,他完全被大火吞没了,就地打滚,可火势太大,他就带着呼呼上窜的火苗,扑向美国兵。战士主动接替。指导员杨少成的子弹打光了,就同美国兵拼刺刀,当好几个美国兵包围他时,他临危不惧,高喊着:“同志们,守住阵地!”毅然拉响了手榴弹。在这生与死的决战中,第3连的战士高喊着:“为指导员报仇!”“为祖国争光!”“有我们,就有阵地!”纷纷跳出弹坑,杀向美国兵

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