美国罗格斯大学化学生物学教授理查德·艾布赖特(Richard Ebright):
"Based on the virus genome and properties there is no indication whatsoever that it was an engineered virus," said Richard Ebright, a professor of chemical biology at Rutgers University.
马里兰州生物安全专家蒂姆·特雷文(Tim Trevan):
"The vast majority of new, nasty diseases ... come from nature," he said.
马里兰大学化学武器专家弥尔顿·利滕伯格(Milton Leitenberg):
Milton Leitenberg, an expert on chemical weapons at the University of Maryland, said he and other analysts around the world had discussed the possibility that weapons development at the Wuhan lab could have led to the coronavirus outbreak in a private email chain but that no one had found convincing evidence to support the theory.
新美国安全中心的研究员埃尔莎·卡尼亚(Elsa Kania):
Hypothetically, a bioweapon would be designed to be highly targeted in its effects, whereas since its outbreak the coronavirus is already on track to become widespread in China and worldwide,” she said.
麻省理工学院教授维平·纳朗(Vipin Narang):
...a good bioweapon "in theory has high lethality but low, not [high], communicability" and that spreading such ideas would be "incredibly irresponsible".