移花接木2021-07-06 01:22:38

My mom likes eating Chinese ban (BAOZIs), mom's family all good at making delicious Baozi, grandma, auntie, uncle,everyone. 

I had seen her failed a few times to make her own, poorly mixed and kneaded flour, bumpy dough.   She was so frastrated and gave up. She ordered Baozi from outside several times,  I wondered how they tasted, she never let me try.  

Later, she got a magical box, added flour and water, and came out a smooth dough.

So she made Baozi one day,  she spent the whole morning. She left them rest on the counter. Now mom was napping in sofa.  Later mom would eat them with dad and sister,never gave one to me. They looked so well and I was drooling badly.   Woo,woo,woo, not fair, I am a good kid, but I want Baozi... ... Baozi. 


one Baozi, yummy... ... I couldn't stop, another baozi, another baozi... ...

All of a sudden "啊啊.................................", sounded my mom's screaming " My buns!" 

then dad "What happened?" "What happened?" "What happened?" "What happened?"

I still had one Baozi stuffed in my mouth and turned to mom with a guilty gazing. 

She started snatching it from my mouth. I looked at the countertop, there was one bun left. 

"Where are those six buns?" mom asked dad,

"I didn't touch any of buns", he answered, of course he didn't, I ate six raw buns!

The rest of the day, mom seemed so worry about me.  Why? I just ate Baozi, maybe only because she is mom, every mom in the world is the same.  I was OK. I ate OK, I played OK, I pooped OK... ...

That's my story of the missing Baozi.

Hi, uncles and aunties, I am a black labradoodle, and this is me and my snow sculpture. My name is 汪汪汪

grabbing Baozi from the tall counter, I am a big boy now...

Sister's drawing of me stealing Baozi


The disappeared BAOZIs

A Special Christmas in 2020

beautifulwind2021-07-06 01:24:33
beautifulwind2021-07-06 01:28:31
欲借嵯峨2021-07-06 01:30:21
想念家人和家乡美食,我有次回国第二天在街边小摊连吃6根儿地沟油油条两碗豆腐脑, 被姐姐叫停,连炸油条的两口子纳闷儿这主儿是干啥的
ibelieu2021-07-06 02:03:44
Very successful use of personification here. Well done!
天边一片白云2021-07-06 02:39:50
移花接木2021-07-06 02:55:12
beautifulwind2021-07-06 03:05:50
盈盈一笑间2021-07-06 03:16:57
白云这篇包子贴让人印象深刻。我也记得耶 ~ ~
beautifulwind2021-07-06 03:22:20
移花接木2021-07-06 03:31:29
唐古2021-07-06 03:32:48
Ha654942021-07-06 03:33:08
移花接木2021-07-06 03:36:18
厉害,6根油条 vs 6个包子; 嵯峨 vs labradoodle;
beautifulwind2021-07-06 03:38:10
Ha654942021-07-06 06:45:04
蓝:绿 = 200: 190
beautifulwind2021-07-06 06:46:01
天边一片白云2021-07-06 11:31:09
good tip·下次来个短的。
天边一片白云2021-07-06 11:33:17
换个角度makes difference.
移花接木2021-07-06 13:39:50
我什么时候错过了? 哈梅是这次活动女司仪, @};--
移花接木2021-07-06 13:41:35
移花接木2021-07-06 13:46:52
through a dog's eyes
移花接木2021-07-06 13:48:33
irresistible taste and smell
Ha654942021-07-06 18:40:19
忒忒绿2021-07-06 22:48:00
甜虫虫2021-07-06 23:23:48
What a cute story from 汪汪汪's perspective! Well done! !
beautifulwind2021-07-07 00:34:00
恭喜花董。首页进来,谢谢网管,绑架活动 改写The disappeared BAOZIs, 我绑了谁 推荐成功
天山晨2021-07-08 02:24:29