ibelieu2022-04-05 04:17:24

春望  【唐  杜甫】






Spring View

The capital has fallen but our rivers and mountains remain,

It is springtime yet with weeds the city is overgrown。

Seeing flowers only makes me cry over the country's state,

Hearing birds upsets me as family separation I bemoan。

It’s March now but the fires of war seem to have no end,

Letters from loved ones are worth their weight in gold。

So worried I can't help but keep scratching my head,

Much of my grey hair lost the rest can barely a hairpin hold。


妖妖灵2022-04-05 07:53:01
发现英文比古诗好懂:)gold 和old 押韵好巧妙
AP339122022-04-05 13:28:00
压的好。英文难夸张讲家书抵万金;没有iPhone 年代的Ibelieu 们的心情:)
ibelieu2022-04-05 14:17:37
自己不懂,就向别人学,押1,3; 2,4。 和你一样,读古诗
ibelieu2022-04-05 14:19:06