移花接木2022-06-16 18:31:09

seven despair =7绝

My seven despair

A seven-worded poem soltaire of my despair... ...

Words I don't know, meanings I don't get...

Hate the girly poetress beat my poor little pride... ...

My first language is no match for Young's second inline.

Annoyed for the abled pair,,,

Word the words, rhym the rhyms, I am barely aware...

I despair, I depair, I despaired in despair !!!



风浪前程笑问鸥, 一问需付二两酬,

众人皆醉君自醒, 独揽人间万古愁.

kirn2022-06-16 18:52:10
Word the words, rhythm the rhythms---很优美有哲理。so to despair
盈盈一笑间2022-06-16 18:58:02
Hahaha! Fun,fun, fun!
枫林晓2022-06-16 19:08:31
妖妖灵2022-06-16 20:35:48
哈哈哈哈哈,这么个七绝!Ur 2nd inline matches Y's first language!:)
忒忒绿2022-06-16 21:20:00
despair more, lol:)
AP339122022-06-16 21:22:00
还好沒绝食,food does your body good:)
移花接木2022-06-17 15:53:58
Love the loves, dream the dreams, 抱歉I mean rhym the rhyms,
移花接木2022-06-17 15:54:51
rhythm 读起来不rhym
移花接木2022-06-17 17:42:35
妖妖灵2022-06-17 18:44:36
妖妖灵2022-06-17 18:45:09
梅雨潭2022-06-17 19:20:10
恭喜花董。首页进来,谢谢网管,7 绝 推荐成功
移花接木2022-06-17 19:47:16
rhyme the rhymes, :-)))