移花接木2022-07-13 03:22:28
Beautiful and stunning nature. It's the season of black-eyed susan and daisy, there will be something else beautiful after and after.  Now my lawn is scorched only I skipped the expensive watering for a few days. But the beauty of these unattended wild flowers and grass is never  compromised, moist, fully saturated coloring , FYI, black-eyed susan , white daisy are native spesies, perennial, tall plant, deep root, can hold a lot more water,  protecting the soil from errosion, coming back year after year. 
 Now I have my own little horticulture garden in my backyard, initially, I put down some cow manure. From then I will try to practice building a small self-maintaining ecosystem, see if I can learn some soil biology, and yield my own organic products.  I will report later during the course... ... 
忒忒绿2022-07-13 04:01:00
a world of wildlife, yellow/white daisies, rabbit, turtle
妖妖灵2022-07-13 19:14:37
U r a doer!Have black-eyed susan and daisy in ur backyard!
妖妖灵2022-07-13 19:16:46
Beautiful&stunning,holding more water, protecting soil!
妖妖灵2022-07-13 19:17:46
移花接木2022-07-13 22:38:09
盈盈一笑间2022-07-14 21:14:51
妖妖灵2022-07-14 21:31:22
梅雨潭2022-07-14 21:36:41
恭喜花董。首页进来,谢谢网管,season of black-eyed susan and daisy 推荐成功
移花接木2022-07-15 00:06:57
snapping turtle 顾名思义,被它咬住手指,一下就snap了。还有啊脖子超长,敢抓它尾巴,它回头能咬到你的手