颤音2022-07-16 19:43:55


Whose shadow on your closed eyes

Whose shadow on your closed eyes
Not mine
You said
It's the joy we shared
but never said

past © a day ago

Likes: Jeremiah, Sumdudenametone

Jeremiah - This is the best thing I've read all day. I too love those times. prefer them, actually

Nicely written!


Shadow of your hairs

Shadow of your hairs
floats in my heart

© a day ago, 

Likes: Ken doll, Mike-musings

Mike-musings - I sort of expected more. Great heading, and its what drew me in, but then I was left hanging. Good work though.

盈盈一笑间2022-07-16 22:12:01
Great heading, and its what drew me in +1 :))
chuntianle2022-07-17 05:43:47
颤音2022-07-17 05:56:01
hanging there?:-)
颤音2022-07-17 05:56:28
盈盈一笑间2022-07-17 12:04:42
Why not? Well penned. :-)
妖妖灵2022-07-17 20:02:00
To draw shadow, geometric technique will be needed~
颤音2022-07-17 20:08:13
three dimensions?
CBA72022-07-17 23:42:50
Sweet and romantic. Love it!
颤音2022-07-19 05:15:44