移花接木2022-09-16 15:50:13

“Through thick and thin, Queen Elizabeth II provided us with the stability and the strength that we needed. She was the very spirit of Great Britain – and that spirit will endure. She has been our longest-ever reigning monarch," UK PM Liz Truss said.

Through thick and thin: under all circumstances, no matter how difficult.


Sharing ChanJuan from thousands of miles away?   好不好? here I am sharing some photos of ChanJuan鬼脸 with you from the Mid Autumn Day night. 



妖妖灵2022-09-16 22:31:07
你的翻译更浪漫!穿越千山万水~ 宇宙有数不清的moon。地球只有唯一的The moon~ 透过树叶取景好玩,是两小无猜吗
天边一片白云2022-09-17 03:10:09
学习了。有点像婚礼中的Through sickness and through health 。很棒的中秋月亮照
移花接木2022-09-17 04:11:43
学习了Through sickness and through health,不过这辈子用不上
jianchi90902022-09-18 01:07:20
jianchi90902022-09-18 01:22:28
你家是不是各种照相机都有,照远的暗的,照小的,反正看你晒了好多美照。 艺术家。
忒忒绿2022-09-18 14:32:00
the beauty high above, you thousands miles away
盈盈一笑间2022-09-18 15:24:59