唵啊吽2022-09-17 01:47:09

Those who think Tibet is not part of China are western colonialists or those educated by colonialism. Europeans colonized the world according to the "rule" that after a European drew a map of an area outside Europe, then that area become the colony of that European country. They call it a "discovery". They draw a map of Tibet, and they think they are entitled to have Tibet as their colony. But they failed to establish the Tibet colony. That's why they don't consider Tibet a part of China. 

Zhuzitaba2022-09-17 06:45:18
移花接木2022-09-17 23:43:46
those "they" died out, 世界早有新秩序了,英国殖民者被赶走时没少留祸根,看看印巴克什米尔
移花接木2022-09-17 23:47:58
这世界谁拳头硬谁说了算, 不会有人还提加州内华达犹他亚利桑那新墨西哥是美国从墨西哥偷的
唵啊吽2022-09-18 01:08:10
Why do some people not think Tibet is part of China?
jianchi90902022-09-18 01:32:56
你这段话把我绕晕了。 不过我2007 年记得有个教授,给我看他家地图,西藏不在之内。我反驳了,他还很失落。老美的傲慢无知
唵啊吽2022-09-19 14:29:58