我因为画画儿所以今年才试着写书法,他们说我的书法很像宋徽宗的瘦金体(受精体?)哈哈哈 突然间我觉得中国的书法缺了点什么. 总之我觉得中国的书法应该睁开眼睛更向前开拓,因为现有的模式太单薄太传统了。我觉得艺术在中国,不光是要学西方的绘画,动画,还应该有所突破!比如说更生活化,那整个民族素质就会有所改观. 比如说从小教美育,教小孩子家政,给小孩子形体训练,产品设计艺术化,住宅小区建筑设计艺术化,等等等等
I tried to write calligraphy this year because I draw. They said that my calligraphy is very similar to the “thin gold body”font of Song Huizong (pronouce like “fertilizer”?) Hahaha suddenly I feel that Chinese calligraphy is missing something. In short, I think Chinese calligraphy should open eyes and open up further, because the existing model is too simple and too traditional. I think art in China is not only about learning Western paintings, animations, but also a breakthrough! For example, much closer to life, then the quality of the entire nation will change. For example, providing aesthetic education from childhood, teaching children housekeeping, physical shape training for children, artistic design of products, artistic design of residential buildings, etc.