中国书法以笔画建立结构,结构支撑整个字体的分布,同时整体的一篇字幅,安排有序浓淡粗细适宜,象花边一样有线条结构美,又象花上的斑点有形态美. 而线条的流动又有凝重拙滯,或灵动运力,让人体会到能量,气韵的生动. 我一直以为只有中国才有书法. 不是的. 在看历史纪录片的时候,发现一篇成吉思汗回给罗马教廷的信,也是用手写的,虽然不认识字, 可是完全可以体会到写字人用笔的漂亮潇洒. 哇! 我有一点吃惊. Jackie的同学是从中东来的, 家里的客厅摆满了阿拉伯文的书法, 因为他们不能挂偶像, 我算真正见识到了阿拉伯人的书法的美妙之处. 他们可以把书法变成画画一样的做装饰用,可以把它变成像精确的几何图形,更可以把它变形艺术化. 这是把线条艺术美化到极限了!
Chinese calligraphy uses strokes to create a structure that supports the distribution of the entire font. At the same time, the overall width of a piece of text is arranged in an orderly basis. The lines are beautiful like laces, with beautiful pattern like the colorful spots on the flowers. The flow has a dignified stagnation, or a dynamic force, which makes people feel the energy and the charming vividness. I always thought that only Chinese have calligraphy. No, not really. When I read the historical documentary, I found a letter from Genghis Khan to the Holy See. It was also handwritten, although I don't know the words, but I can fully appreciate the beautiful style of the writing. Wow! I am a little surprised. Jackie's classmates are from the Middle East, and the living room at home is full of Arabic calligraphy. Because they can't hang idols, I really see the beauty of Arabic calligraphy. They can use calligraphy like decorative paintings, they can transform it into precise geometric figures, and more deformation art. This is to beautify the line art to the limit!