Nov 23, 2015 at 7:21 PM
欣赏中国书法是一种享受 Appreciating Chinese calligraphy is a pleasure
今天你们要我讲书法. 因为中国人没有透视法,不能很好地描绘3D,所以中国的艺术审美以线条为主, 书法就是其中之一. 王羲之的“兰亭序”, 我不太看得懂, 觉得大概是从隶楷走向行书吧. 小时候写柳公权, 记得写他的 “....醉翁之意不在酒.....” 我更喜欢看雄浑的欧阳洵. 赵孟頫和刘墉从行书趋向草书,行云流水. 沙漠之中的敦煌,那一片月牙泉边的亭台楼阁,刻着各种各样的各个年代的书法遗迹. 慢慢走仔细看,酣畅淋漓. 山东孔府的孔林,竖着许许多多的墓碑. 上大学时候路过那边,慢慢走仔细看上面的碑文,各种字体都有,还有皇帝的墨迹,非常过瘾.
Today you want me to talk about calligraphy. Because Chinese have no perspective sense and can't describe 3D well, so Chinese aesthetic is dominated by lines, and calligraphy is one of them. Wang Xizhi's "Lanting Preface", I don't quite understand it. I think it's probably going from more static “Li and Kai”fonts style to more dynamic “Xing” font style. When I was young, I simulated “ Liu Gongquan”style. I remember writing his "....the meaning of drunkenness is not just wine....." I prefer to watch the majestic calligraphy from Ouyang Yu. Zhao Mengfu and Liu Wei went from dynamic scripts to cursive scripts, and they are like clouds flying water flowing. Dunhuang is in the desert, on the side of the crescent moon pond there are pavilions and pagoda, engraved with various calligraphy relics of various times. Take a closer look and hearty. Shandong Confucius graveyard, there are many tombstones standing up. When I was in college, I went by there slowly walked though the graveyard, took a closer look at the inscription above, all kinds of fonts, even the hand writings of emperors, very enjoyable!