Then, with stonebench's criterion but my terminology, 義 is powered by the Will /愿/愿力/意志, 利 is powered by desire/欲.
An empire with though less sophisticated culture and fewer higher pursuits, at its beginning, still has some vision, which is the Will to create. It is a quality above the desire driven 利 . Therefore, it is still a form of 義, though limited. Yet precisely due to the lack of a more sophisticated culture and higher pursuits, once the empire is founded, it slips into 利 more rapidly.
This explains stonebench's account of 蒙元.
In my terms, a nation falls alongside the weakening of the Will.
This phenomenon is observed in other fields of human activities too.
In the arts, only a true genius has a never weakening Will. A true genius is a truly free mind, and is forever self-renewing. But this is in general against human nature. Accounting for this, Schopenhauer recognized a genius as "unnatural".