summerp2022-03-30 16:00:03

“We recommend providing active GFCI protected outlets at the following areas: all garage (including ceiling). We recommend providing active AFCI protected outlets at all outlets that are not GFCI protected. ”

柠檬椰子汁2022-03-30 16:05:00
GCFI in Garage is required. Rest is optional
常谈2022-03-30 16:19:08
没想到garage ceiling都要GFCI。去HD 没注意过AFCI,长什么样?
常谈2022-03-30 16:27:42
summerp2022-03-30 16:48:36
谢谢解答!放在repair list 看看seller 可否给换了
老胖妞爱小肥羊2022-03-30 16:58:41
我弄过garage 的,电工$90一小时。
summerp2022-03-30 22:25:22