新雨伞222022-07-26 18:13:42

请教投坦的大拿们,专家们有没有租过军队政府机关的?先叩谢了。我有一single property, 在中等区的城边上,军机关的agent 给我email 要租,由军人一家4口住(有色的),7  月8日签合同 ,6日他们军队房检(walk through).    7月20 搬入 ,当天我的车库门坏,当时是off track 可以修,可是他们手动硬拉至变形扭曲,每一个修门公司都说门已 报废 。他们搬的第二天,空调坏,之前一天我感觉房内很冷,看到温控器显他开60度,第三天去  ,车道旁电箱撞歪,叭下 。 

     烦心事:我到现在还没收到一分钱房租,已花出几千,合同是用他们军队的合同,不允许有押金  。想退                        出。但已签约,仔细看合约,都是霸王条款,(好像我只有义务没有权利)。我们在Login.gov 网上                     U.S.Government'sSystem for Award Manafement(SAM)注册,已有code 又说不recognize, 房                      子在GA

   请问怎样才能合法退出?  先谢谢了


                                                   U.S.GOVETSMENT LEASE FOR REAL PROPERTY

                                                                                                 LEASE NOlDACA003-66-XXX




3, TERM. To have and to hold the said premises with all appurtenances thereto for the term beginning 10 JULY 2022 THEOUGH 30 JUNE 2023 subject to termination and renewal rights as may be hereinafter set forth. The Government shall have the right to renew this lease from year to year, or for a lesser period of time, under the terms and conditions provided herein by providing written notice to the lessor of the Government's renewal at least 30 days prior to the expiration of the current term or subsequent renewal thereof provided that this lease shall in no event extend beyond 30 June 2027. The obligation of the United States to make payments under this lease is any fiscal year is subject to appropriations being provided for that fiscal year. Nothing in this lease shall be interpreted to require obligations or payments by the United States in violations of the Anti-Deficiency Act (31 USC 1341).


     A. The government may terminate this lease at any time by giving at least 30 days written notice to the Lessor. Said notice shall be computed commencing with the day after the date of the mailing.

     B. Any holdover of the Government occupancy of premises after expiration of the lease terms shall be considered to be tenancy from month to month, and shall otherwise be on the same terms and conditions as herin specified to the current fiar market rental being paid for this dwelling. Such tenancy shall be terminable by either pary on 30 days written notice to the other party.

     C.The following conditions shall constitute default by the Lessor, and shall give rise to the following rights and remedies for the Government:

          (1) Failure by the Lessor to perform any service, to provide any item, or satisfy any requirement of this Lease, without excuse, shall constitute a default by the Lessor. Subject to provision of notice of default to the Lessor, and provision of a reasonable opportunity for the Lessor to cure its default, the Government may perform the service, provide the item, or obtain satisfaction of the requirement by its own employees or contractors. If the Government elects to take such action, the Government may deduct from rental payments its costs incurred in connection with taking the action. Alternatively, the Government may reduce the rent by an amount reasonably calculated to approximate the cost or value of the service not performed, item not provided, or requirement not satisfied, such reduction effective as of the date of the commencement of the default condition.

          (2) The Government may terminate the Lease if:

               (i) The Lessor's default persists not withstanding provision of notice and reasonable opportunity to cure by the Government, or

               (ii) The Lessor fails to take such actions as are necessary to prevent the recurrence of default conditions, and such conditions substantially impair the safe and healthful occupance of the Premises, or render the Space unusable for its intended purposes.

          (3) Excuse. Failure by the Lessor to timely deliver the Space or perform any service, provide amy item, or satisfy any requirement of this Lease shall not be excused if its failure in performance arises from:

                (i)Circumstances whithin the Lessor's control,

                (ii) Circumstances about which the Lessor had actual or constructive knowledge prior to the Lessor's capbility to perform, regardless of the Government's knowledge of such matters,

                (iii) The condition of the property

                (iv) The  acts  or omissions of the Lessor , Its employees, agents or contractors: or

               (v) The Lessor's inability to obtain sufficient financial resources to perform its obigations.

      D.  The rights and remedies specified in this termination clause are in addition to any and all remedies to which the Government may be entitled as a matter of Law. 



柠檬椰子汁2022-07-26 18:48:09
Get a lawyer, nobody can help you here
alpha1232022-07-26 18:56:46
紫檀吧主2022-07-26 19:01:54
DId you read all provision before you signed on paper ?
新雨伞222022-07-26 19:07:01
新雨伞222022-07-26 19:08:10
新雨伞222022-07-26 19:09:50
Ginger1232022-07-26 19:24:23
告人还需啥ID? 有租客的姓名地址就行。看合同扣rent的条款是否違反了当地的租赁法,你又没不修?电箱撞趴下,找
borisg2022-07-26 19:36:40
did you type the English or you copied and pasted?
新雨伞222022-07-26 20:02:55
很佩服您和宁檬等大侠 的才能和智慧,想听一下您的建议
新雨伞222022-07-26 20:05:20
新雨伞222022-07-26 20:09:48
alpha1232022-07-26 20:53:31
alpha1232022-07-26 20:54:46
Sunbury2022-07-26 21:00:13
Wei_PDX2022-07-26 21:28:34
新雨伞222022-07-26 21:54:37
你是针对个人签吗?用你的合同? 他这是军队机关对我签,没有他们的签字,验房时,看到一个穿迷你服的人, 谢谢你
新雨伞222022-07-26 21:56:40
没有 哭
新雨伞222022-07-26 22:01:28
thankful2022-07-26 22:21:11
gqc2022-07-26 22:33:04
我以前租过这种的 也是跟部队签合同 不付押金但是部队负责赔偿任何损失
soldanella2022-07-26 23:24:05
soldanella2022-07-26 23:24:47
新雨伞222022-07-27 00:49:04
已联系, agent 说根据租约应我修,这才仔细看租约,大大大的谢谢
新雨伞222022-07-27 00:58:36
新雨伞222022-07-27 01:01:44
新雨伞222022-07-27 01:15:50
我已修了空调,车库门正schedule,但要constantly , 我受不了了,谢谢你的信息
新雨伞222022-07-27 01:23:51
gqc2022-07-27 04:49:28
一般出租房的正常损耗应该是房东负责 只有能证明是房客的损坏才能找租客赔偿
新雨伞222022-07-27 13:56:42
我的租约就没提如果租客疏忽损坏的情况,只提到如我不维修,就是default,等等各种他们可以扣租金的情况。还有 The
财哥梦姐2022-07-27 23:37:32
rental contract
新雨伞222022-07-28 00:11:57