无忧自己出身苦,从小艰苦惯了,努力几十年才有今天的成就。多半是不知道女孩子就算不福养,也得矜持。哪能这么和人家说什么 will do anywhere and anytime.
Good morning, Mei Mei.
Have a wonderful trip to New York.
Be positive, be confident and be proactive.
Smile all the time.
Tell the people that you can do, and you will do anywhere and anytime, if they offer an opportunity. Also tell then you can learn, and you will learn if anything new.
I and Mommy will fully support you. Just do your best and do what I love to do. I am very positive you will succeed because you have the passion, and you work hard.
Ask me anytime when you need me.