mamamia2006-10-25 04:25:05
本人持H-1签证于去年入境。H-1有效期3年到08年九月。可是因我的护照到07年10月份就到期,所以在入境时给的I-94表上有效期只给到07年4月。我刚把我的延了期。下一步应该是让雇主去做I-129 petition for extension of stay.因公司很小,没专人管,老板让我自己填,我当初的H-1律师又不肯帮忙,尽让我找雇主。我想大概是她钱也赚到了,就不理我了。
我觉得自己真是智商有限,表有些搞不懂。首先是费用问题,除了$190 filing fee 外,还要不要交 $750 fee (公司少于25个员工) 及$500 fraud prevention fee。另外是要附上什么材料,文凭证明?劳工局资料?
我的 original I-129 was approved and is valid till 9/2008,所以我这次再交 I-129,只是想拿到张新的I-94 which is valid till 9/2008, 与我的H-1相吻合罢了. 这是算amend the stay 还是 extend the stay?表上有2 yes and no question 我不会答
1 Is this the second or subsequent request for an extension of the stay that you have filed for the alien? Is the answer NO?
2 Is this an amended petition that does not contain any request for extension of stay?
mamamia2006-10-25 04:29:02
TX_Kitty2006-10-25 13:15:17
I am not sure I am right
mamamia2006-10-25 23:55:33
回复:H-1 延期问题