dietmama2007-05-09 23:01:04
I have an English name which only used for friends and boss during the work (easy for them to call me but I still use my original name for any payments/signed documents and all my formal documents: passport/driving license/any certificates). But the situation is a little complicated because I had worked for a company which required me to do a background check. One of the forms required me to list all the "nickname/other english name" so that I listed my english name. But the G325A does not indicate so detail. Do I need to list this english name as a "other name used" when file the G325A? I have asked different friends and they all have different opionions. If I list this name, would it cost more time on name check? If not, would it become "cheat" when FBI performing the name check? Does anyone have the same situation like me can give me some idea. Please!