dietmama2008-10-26 12:55:59
I just did my 2nd SR and got the same as respond as the 1st one... "Your case are acting review...However, we need more time to do review...please contact us if you don't get any information within 6 months..."

How many people get this kind of messages evey time. I really tired of this because I have been waiting 6 years and want to file WOM but I don't know how. After seeing people's PD and RD far from mine have been approved, I don't know what should I do.

By the way, how long will I get the 2nd FP? My first one was expired in Sep. I have a trip to back home on Jan 25,2009, would the 2nd FP be done before that time? I already cancelled my trip once because of the 1st FP and cancelled the tickets (3 people) for charging $1,000...
haoduowenti2008-10-26 22:19:44
standard answer, no info carried.
dietmama2008-10-26 22:38:57
回复:Nobody can answer my second question?
红叶2008-10-27 00:06:49
2nd FP 可有可无,如有的话,一般在接近绿卡完成时。
nwa482008-10-27 20:44:24
回复:回复:Nobody can answer my second question?