Dear readers
Look at this picture, you'll see
Beside the window, a beautiful leg straight up in the air
That's mine
In an hour before that second
With this leg
I kicked countless men out
Of course, of the window
At that second, he came in
A humble man
Not handsome, but wonderful
Not so charming, but soft and tender
Smiling like a sunflower
Searching his heart
I found a piece of rose pebble
Glazed with seawater from
A hard rock for years less than forever
He was closer
I smelled a clean scent
A scent that is so familiar to me
When I was mowing the lawn in Spring
Instead of another suddenly hard kick
I made up a naturally elegant "V"
With tail up turning back to a mermaid
Can't stop swimming and singing
His heart beat a wave
His eyes had an itching blink
Loaded full of wind
He looked like a red wheelbarrow now
"Relax," there is a whisper
"You're programmed to receive
You can walk out any time you like
But within the next hour, you can never leave!"