ibelieu2021-07-18 21:03:46

哇,在梅雨潭里读到那么多精彩的诗作! 咱没有诗才,看绿队节节攀升,只能凑合打个油,逗个乐。也幸亏虫虫的钥匙找到了,愁云惨雾一扫而空,我猜这时打个趣,虚绑一下也无大碍?

《To that Dizzyingly High Peak》

You said,

You were relieved,

As if you had just passed a hard test.

You felt like summiting Everest.

And you wanted to

Stand high on the crest

At the very top,

You said with zest.


Why not, said I.

I'm going with you,

To scale next to you.

Let the birds envy us for climbing high

In the twilight.

Let the stars marvel at our

Going up like kites

In the sky.


And  then I asked why we wanted to go up

To that dizzyingly high peak.

You said because you had lost and then found your car key.

Sliding down from the zenith of my elation,

I suggested Oolong Cafe for tea,

Thinking lying down flat

Is what we both need

At the very least.

美语世界: 【绿队】 【美坛蓝绿绑架争霸】'Lay Down Flat' By 以美丽回答一切 - 由甜虫虫发表 - 文学城 (wenxuecity.com)

忒忒绿2021-07-18 21:06:00
ibelieu2021-07-18 21:09:42
盈盈一笑间2021-07-18 21:10:18
ibelieu2021-07-18 21:13:12
甜虫虫2021-07-18 21:23:17
hahaha, I can't stop laughing! Thank you for a good laugh:)
ibelieu2021-07-18 21:26:21
Yes, we can all use a laugh to lie down flat in this day and age
天玉之2021-07-18 21:34:05
哈哈哈,what a good follower, climbing high without knowing why…风趣,赞
甜虫虫2021-07-18 21:36:00
He is really funny:) He has a good sense of humor. I like that.
天玉之2021-07-18 21:41:26
其实,也不难理解,if you like someone, it doesn’t better where you go,
忒忒绿2021-07-18 21:43:00
谢谢,you have a nice piece, bravo
盈盈一笑间2021-07-18 21:49:39
暂凭杯酒长精神,勇攀高峰寻钥匙 。:))
甜虫虫2021-07-18 22:00:52
Exactly :)
甜虫虫2021-07-18 22:04:06
You can say that again! :)
ibelieu2021-07-18 22:05:45
Seriously, I thought of saying something about this
Ha654942021-07-18 22:20:08
蓝:绿 = 840:850 绿队赶上了,真棒!蓝队加油!
陶陶三2021-07-18 22:23:09
ibelieu2021-07-18 22:24:53
天玉之2021-07-18 22:42:53
这个躺平是不是就是道家的“无为”啊?似乎挺消极的~the key is: have you tried your best?
beautifulwind2021-07-18 22:46:04
ibelieu2021-07-18 23:11:23
Agreed. One is by choice, the other is not.
AP339122021-07-18 23:14:00
好绑功,Oolong 茶馆难寻,躺着喝这Straw 长又弯:)
ibelieu2021-07-18 23:17:44
ibelieu2021-07-18 23:19:37
你这个是对“曾经沧海难为水”的驳斥吗? :)
ibelieu2021-07-18 23:22:11
ibelieu2021-07-19 00:10:01
你再笑,我把“scale”改成“crawl”啦! :)
陶陶三2021-07-19 00:14:28
When we know, "what is light, what is water...", then we will
天山晨2021-07-19 00:55:57
ibelieu2021-07-19 01:16:37
天山晨2021-07-19 01:21:20
轻轻的我来2021-07-19 01:50:19
ibelieu2021-07-19 01:51:30
ibelieu2021-07-19 01:52:17
beautifulwind2021-07-20 00:57:54
恭喜Ibelieu。首页进来,谢谢网管,绑架活动 绑车钥匙失而复得者 推荐成功
ibelieu2021-07-20 20:03:48
甜虫虫2021-07-21 00:05:08
You "scale" or "crawl" next to me, so! :)))