颤音2021-07-19 04:11:09


A stirring of dust
Dancing in the air
Tells me in light we trust
© 8 days ago

 Like (3) 

Likes: O Amante, Jenny Middleton, Moss M. Jacques

Jenny Middleton - I like how visual your haiku is XX and there is a lovely sense of positivity about the ending.2 days ago 


O Amante - Simple, short and yet it packs so much elegance and details. I could see the dust dancing in the air.



beautifulwind2021-07-19 06:02:26
天玉之2021-07-19 17:15:59
前两句挺好的,第三句有点说教的感觉。我读过不少日本的Haiku, 就知道有三句,也不知有什么规矩。我自己写了不少几句短诗,有机会
天山晨2021-07-20 01:52:29