CBA72022-06-19 12:35:36

Kid:  Daddy, I will never want to do this, I will never want to do that.
Father:  Baby, never say never, because you never know.

Happy Father's Day!

移花接木2022-06-19 14:00:35
Mother's day is the most celebrated holiday in the world,
移花接木2022-06-19 14:01:38
father's day is the least celebrated holiday,
kirn2022-06-19 15:00:20
Becasue Mother's day is in May, and all fathers have spent
移花接木2022-06-19 15:19:29
father's day commercial 的礼物都是各种工具,其意不言而喻呀
轻轻的我来2022-06-19 15:22:32
欲借嵯峨2022-06-19 17:44:16
我自己庆祝父亲节用公司信用卡买了一个 Milwaukee impact wrench, 400多一年也用不了一次:)
妖妖灵2022-06-19 19:29:52
哈哈哈,another version of “Like father,like son”:)
妖妖灵2022-06-19 20:04:22
哈哈,you deserve it!:)
妖妖灵2022-06-19 20:05:48
妖妖灵2022-06-19 20:06:35
妖妖灵2022-06-19 20:10:45
Especially due to the current misrable inflation:)
CBA72022-06-19 20:42:31
哈哈哈,that's funny.
CBA72022-06-20 03:59:17
父亲让孩子不要说 never, 自己却一连说了3个 never, 哈哈哈,父亲节搞笑一下父亲。
chuntianle2022-06-20 07:38:33
颤音2022-06-20 15:55:10