railman 的文章

[] Sessions: 'The Senate should be ashamed of itself'railman 2006-05-19 15:35:36[] 合法新移民美国立足也不易railman 2006-05-19 15:30:39[] 参议院移民改革法案要点railman 2006-05-19 15:30:17[] Bush opposes English as national language: Gonzalesrailman 2006-05-19 15:22:07[] Immigration Measure Said Likely to Passrailman 2006-05-19 15:20:55[] Some Immigrants Fear Guest Worker Programrailman 2006-05-19 08:21:08[] 德州小镇 官方语言定西班牙语railman 2006-05-19 08:12:13[] 美参院定英语为国语 褒贬不一railman 2006-05-19 08:11:26[] 准临时工人自办绿卡railman 2006-05-19 08:10:21[] Senate Amendments to Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 200railman 2006-05-19 07:29:04[] 美对华签证政策遭抨击railman 2006-05-18 20:54:23[] Amnesty touches home for Bay Area Asiansrailman 2006-05-18 20:22:02[] Bush Says Border Fencing Makes Senserailman 2006-05-18 20:20:22[] Bush Requests $1.9B to Bolster Bordersrailman 2006-05-18 20:19:29[] Bush travels to US-Mexico border to press immigration reformrailman 2006-05-18 20:18:44[] Senate Sends Mixed Signals on Englishrailman 2006-05-18 20:17:49[] Senate says English is national, unifying tonguerailman 2006-05-18 20:16:10[] Senate Votes to Make English the `National Language' of U.S.railman 2006-05-18 20:08:07[] H-1B Cap Count of 05/16/2006 Moved from 34,808 on 05/12/2006 torailman 2006-05-18 18:20:58[] GAO Report of 05/18/2006 on the Status of J-1 Waivers by Foreignrailman 2006-05-18 18:20:14[] Self-petition added back to billrailman 2006-05-18 15:52:11[] Immigration Bill Debate Stuck on 'Amnesty'railman 2006-05-18 08:52:12[] 新税法影响大学储蓄计画railman 2006-05-18 07:22:09[] 布什签署700亿减税法案 (图)railman 2006-05-18 07:21:35[] H2C工人可办职业移民railman 2006-05-18 07:19:48[] Senate Continues Progress on Comprehensive Reform Billrailman 2006-05-18 07:12:37[] Immigration bill moves forwardrailman 2006-05-17 16:15:05[] Senate OKs Border Fence, Backs Citizenship By DAVID ESPO, AP Sperailman 2006-05-17 16:14:05[] Bush Signs $70 Billion Tax Cut Extensionsrailman 2006-05-17 12:37:59[] Senate OKs Border Fence, Mulls Citizenship By DAVID ESPO, AP Sperailman 2006-05-17 12:37:00