英语真可恶啊,这不,今天俺的教训惨痛,这该死的英语让俺损失 二百大洋!咋了?是这样,俺在downtown停车结果被罚款,可那儿明明有块牌子写着FINE FOR PARKING HERE!
俺办公桌边上贴了一个sticker,上面写着:A woman without her man is nothing. 结果被旁边的白女人告了,说俺性别歧视。俺说没有啊,俺是赞美你们女性啊,她怒气冲冲:这明明是说没有男人的女人就是nothing!
俺大呼冤枉,俺的意思是,A woman:without her,man is nothing.
午饭时,去楼下一家汉堡店吃饭,看见门口写着:We don't just serve hamburgers, we serve people. 吓得俺落荒而逃,敢情!孙二娘的包子店走出国门冲向世界了!
家里洗衣机坏了,去店里买个新的,这家的广告:Don't kill your wife. Let our washing machine do the dirty work. 这是洗衣机还是大规模杀伤性武器啊?
算了,去旧货店看看有什么便宜货,这家店门口写着:We buy and sell everything. Why don't bring your wife along and get a wonderful bargain? 谁说外国没有拐卖人口?!
When you write copy you have the right to copyright the copy you write , if the copy is right. Writers of religious services write rite, and thus have the right to copyright the rite they write. Should Thom Wright decide to write, then Wright might write right rite, which Wright has a right to copyright. Copying that rite would copy Wright's right rite, and thus violate copyright, so Wright would have the legal right to right. Right?