ZT我给 Lofgren 的感谢信,兼请求增加移民配额和加快name check
我刚给Lofgren 送了一束花,向 Immigration Voice 捐了款。 咱不能过河拆桥。不然
下面是我给 Lofgren 的感谢信,兼请求增加移民配额和加快name check. 各位可摘抄
(Your Contact Information)
Representative Zoe Lofgren
102 Cannon HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-3072
Fax: (202) 225-3336
July 19, 2007
Dear Representative Lofgren,
I wanted to express my deepest gratitude for your leadership in
resolving the recent July Visa Bulletin crisis! Thank you so much, from the
bottom of my heart, for helping us underdogs! Thank you for delivering the
hope of justice at the time of difficulty! Thank you for restoring our faith
in the public system of this country!
I am XXX working for XXX. While I am able to contribute my expertise in
a decent position, my personal life has always been in the shadow of the
inefficient legal immigration system.。。。 这里加进你的故事。焦急等待若干年
象越悲惨约好。。。 Therefore, you could imagine how dramatic was my
emotional roller coaster when this Visa Bulletin debacle happened. In the
gloomy days of early July, my entire hope towards a positive picture of life
has been smashed to the ground.
Thanks to your decisive and powerful leadership, now the hope has been
restored. The hope for justice and democracy, the very spirit embedded in
the American Dream, has been restored!
However, the problem is far from ending. With so many applications being
filed and so few quotas to be granted, there will be inevitable congestion
of pending immigration cases, which will lead to even longer backlogs and
public frustration. In order to thoroughly resolve this problem and to
provide a fundamental relief to the current crisis, I strongly urge you to
take legislative initiatives in the following three aspects:
One, recapture lost visa numbers over the past decade.
Second, increase annual employment-based immigrant visa caps.
Third, set effective measures to speed up the security check process
carried out by FBI.
On this bumpy road to immigration, I know we can count on you at the
time of crisis. Please be assured that you have my wholehearted support. If
there is anything that I can contribute to your noble cause, financially,
morally or by voluntary labor, please don't hesitate to let me know.
Thank you for your outstanding public service! You have undoubtedly won
the trust of all of us legal immigrants! And your inspiration will carry on!
Yours gratefully,
XXX(your name)
标 题: 革命尚未成功,同志请继续努力!!!议会联系方法!
今天的阶段性成功证明了,团结就是胜利! 但问题还未得到根本性解决。下一个关键
请个位同志致信 House 的immigration committee 敦促增加移民名额!
House Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security, and International
Law Subcommittee (Subordinate of the Judiciary Committee)
Mailing Address:
517 CHOB
Washington, DC 20515-6217
Telephone:(202) 225-3926
特别值得关注的是: 极右翼总统候选人Representative Tom Tancredo (Republican-
Colorado),议会的前Immigration Caucus 主席,近来反对合法移民的电视采访不断。
他7月11日提出的OVERDUE Immigration Reform Bill 又含有极端反合法移民内容。 届
这里有两个Tom Tancredo 最近在CNN新闻中歪曲事实,诽谤合法移民的链接。
这里是反移民兼反华的Tom Tancredo 的主页: