移花接木2021-06-19 04:59:12


by 我

“Let there be light”, so God gives light.

In turn…

Light gives life.

With light plants store energy and give out oxygen.

That all earthly lives depend.  

 Light gives color.

Specific spectral properties reflect specific spectrums of light.

How everything gets its color

Light forms shape.  

Light passes through and bounces back.

So to cast shapes of any geometry.   

Light brings beauty.

Frontlight reveals perfection, backlight hides defect.

Sidelight emphasizes non-flat.

Light comforts.

Not afraid dangers under sunshine, fear unknowing from the darkside.

It is the born nature of mankind.

Anything turns heavy at weight being collect.

Even life or a mind 

But never was the case to light.

Get millions of Sun rays.

Aren't they heavy?

 No, it is light. 





Does light have shape. yes it does, it takes its shape from the object it shines on, see the shape of the rim light in the center? a shape like a fluffy monkey hanging upside down on a tree with a big tail curling upon the branch, the beauty of backlight,

Silhouettes,  thanks to backlight.


a tiniest light spot enough to cheer me up.

beautifulwind2021-06-19 05:55:43
天玉之2021-06-19 06:43:53
Light comforts,好句,赞!照片很美!
easyboy2021-06-19 09:03:01
忒忒绿2021-06-19 14:00:00
赞,花帅的诗忒惊艳!it’s light, light is light
移花接木2021-06-19 14:10:08
be positive, stay negative, 光借助影显了形
移花接木2021-06-19 14:34:41
ibelieu2021-06-19 14:40:11
Buoyant, cheerful…. because it’s light!
移花接木2021-06-19 15:02:28
light light light , 进一步退半步,一边写一边改
移花接木2021-06-19 15:03:39
移花接木2021-06-19 15:08:17
May light brings a light cheerful mood
beautifulwind2021-06-19 17:00:40
beautifulwind2021-06-19 17:03:46
你别把我带偏啊,我好不容易搞清楚stay positive:)就像风借助树看到了影:)
easyboy2021-06-19 18:46:52
盈盈一笑间2021-06-19 22:00:46
赞,花帅的诗忒惊艳!it’s light, light is light - 忒忒绿
beautifulwind2021-06-19 22:30:50
CO“ 诗歌的翻译真是很挑战,类似一种特别的再创作,才能在另一个语言世界里赋予它生命和灵魂。”
移花接木2021-06-20 19:13:26
我绞尽脑汁才找到这个无法翻译成汉语的句子,light is light
2021-06-20 22:44:30
+2,+3. 照片佳
beautifulwind2021-06-21 01:41:53
天山晨2021-06-21 03:04:39