颤音2022-06-22 00:33:57

Frozen ashes

Frozen ashes
from whose bones
left alone
for ages
in the ark
in the dark
But the ashes glow
as white as snow

© a day ago, destiny   
Likes: Amlu 

Amlu - Powerful brevity with strong imagery. well penned


a day ago 


Bones anchored to tendons
Tendons anchored to muscles
Where is bones' freedom

Ask wind
in which freedom flows
Ask fire
in which freedom burns

Hugs between tendons and muscles
Dances between wind and fire
Bones into ashes
fly and paint the sky gray

© a day ago, 

Amlu - A powerful ink on freedom..so creative with strong imagery. How true! bones are not feer at all..Great write making the readers ponder on it.

Liked it


Paidge Searchwell - A deep poem bringing on analytical questions. Great work!

a day ago 

妖妖灵2022-06-22 02:23:02
天玉之2022-06-22 03:47:36
欣赏!觉得最后一句有点弱,也许是我没读懂 ~~
kirn2022-06-22 15:58:25
As white as snow...
颤音2022-06-23 16:13:28
您说的对,我也没懂我想写啥,就是凭直觉码字 哈哈哈
颤音2022-06-23 16:13:43
颤音2022-06-23 16:14:10
kirn2022-06-23 22:30:11
"though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be......"
梅雨潭2022-06-24 01:42:44
恭喜颤音。首页进来,谢谢网管,on ashes 推荐成功
chuntianle2022-06-27 16:29:05