我和女儿“研发”的配方,用最少的 butter 和面粉,用牛奶替代了 half and half,加入最大限度的蔬菜,做出来比餐馆还好吃的 Clam Chowder!
小 tip:Clam 一定要买质量比较好的。
Ingredients to serve 8:
3 cans (6.5 ounces each) minced clams /三罐蛤蜊丁
1 cup minced onion (210 g; 7.4 oz)/洋葱丁:210克
1 cup diced celery (137 g; 4.8 oz)/芹菜丁:137 克
2 cups cubed potatoes (319 g; 10.9 oz, after peeling)/土豆丁:319克
1 cup diced carrots (158 g; 5.6 oz)/胡萝卜丁:158克
3/8 – 1/2 cup butter /奶油:6 tablespoons(We cut to ½- 2/3 of the typical recipe)
1/2 cup all-purpose flour/面粉:65 克 (We cut to ½ - 2/3 of the typical recipe)
1 cup milk/牛奶:240毫升(This is a healthier option than half and half)
1 tablespoon white wine/白葡萄酒:1大勺
1 teaspoon white vinegar/ 白醋:1小勺
1/4 + teaspoons salt/盐:1/4 小勺 +
ground black pepper to taste/ 黑胡椒粉:适量